Imaginary Update 9


Added levels 18 – 20
Misc other bug fixes and tweeks
On ward to sound production


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation, activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Enter to pause
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 8


Added levels 8 – 17 and Challenge levels 6-9
Misc other bug fixes and tweeks


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation, activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Enter to pause
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 7


Added a level and made it the first level. Then I moved the other levels around so they get progressively harder
Tweeked a bunch of artwork
Started adding sound effects
Lots of efficiency things and bug fixes


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation, activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Enter to pause
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 6

The Level editor is 90% to functional and I’m starting to work more on the game itself

level 6


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation, activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Enter to pause
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 5

Currently I’m working on a level editor. Which is taking longer then I thought, because I have to relearn Javascript and php. But it is almost functional and should speed up development.

Challenge level 4
Challenge level 5


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation, activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 4

Level 5
Challenge level 3
Changed the menus a little
Performance Tweeks
And various other bug fixes


PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation,  activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Hold S to run while moving.


if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run


Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 3

Level 4
Challenge level 2
Loading Screen
Tweaked some art
and various other bug fixes







PC controls
directional arrows move that character
Space to jump
F to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
D to create an activation,  activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Hold S to run while moving.

if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run

Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine

Imaginary Update 2

Level 3
Challenge level 1
Enlarged the player sprite
and various other bug fixes

PC controls
directional arrows move that character
A to jump
S to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
W to create an activation,  activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Hold F to run while moving.

if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run

Imaginary Update 1

This is the first release of Imaginary in what will hopefully be weekly to bi-weekly. This being the first one their are only two levels and it probably buggy but enjoy all the same.

Oh right controls. This is being developed with the Xbox 360 in mind so the controls for the PC might not be the best, but I’ll fix that later.

PC controls
directional arrows move that character
A to jump
S to ‘hide’, hiding prevents enemies from hitting you
W to create an activation,  activations are used to trigger some objects to do stuff, open doors, shoot cannons, etc.
Hold F to run while moving.

if you have an Xbox 360 Controller I recommend that
Left joystick to move
A to jump
B to hide
Y to create an activation
Hold RB to run

Imaginary uses the Flat Red Ball game engine