Dead Safe web site

   Dead Safe is a web comic that my brother and I are slowly making progress on. To improve the experience of reading it I decided to create a web site specifically for reading the comic. Using layers I created fixed side panels to with additional zombies that slightly overlap the main image. The idea behind it is to give the reader a constant reminder of that it is a zombie book even if at times there are not a lot of zombiesDead Safe is a web comic that my brother and I are slowly making progress on. To improve the experience of reading it I decided to create a web site specifically for reading the comic. Using layers I created fixed side panels to with additional zombies that slightly overlap the main image. The idea behind it is to maintain an atmosphere of suspense by giving the reader a constant reminder that it is a zombie book even if at times there are not a lot of zombies.

HTML/CSS: The site uses a single column layout with a fixed side menu and fixed side zombies
Javascript/jQuery: Is used to "turn the page", well it is used to change the src attribute on the image and scroll back to the top of the page